How do we help
72 days Since Christmas
Our Mission is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding. Our motto, is "We Serve".
Lions globally provide support to their local communities along eight main causes:
- Childhood cancer
- Diabetes
- Disaster Relief
- Environmental
- Humanitarian
- Hunger
- Vision
- Youth
Lions Locally also provide additional service projects.
In Abingdon we have donated several defibrillators and have recently organised a resuscitation first aid session to help take away the mystery of CPR and the use of the Defibs that are now available in our town.
We support the national spectacle recycling initiative, with drop off points in Abingdon and Oxford, hearing aids can also be dropped off for recycling.
We provide the Lions Message in a Bottle, a potentially lifesaving initiative, with many bottles being delivered to doctor's surgeries, care homes and individuals.
Abingdon Lions fundraise so that we can provide these services, this fundraising also enables Lions to make donations to help individuals in need and to support specific projects of other local charities.
Links to these specific areas of service can be found in the drop-down menu.